Elected Officers 2024-2025
Title | 2024-2025 |
Chair | Weldon Phillips |
Vice-Chair | Mariaelena McCauley |
Secretary | Melissa Huebsch |
Parliamentarian | vacant |
Officers-Elect 2025-2026
Title | 2025-2026 |
Chair-elect | Brian Winkelmann |
Vice-Chair-elect | Elista Street |
Secretary-elect | Melissa Huebsch |
Parliamentarian | Dr. Ehiyamen Osezua |
Executive Committee
The membership of the Executive Committee consists of UTSC's elected officers and each committee's chair/co-chairs.
UT Staff Council Program Coordinator Elizabeth Schaub serves as an ex officio member on all UTSC committees and the Executive Committee.
Title | 2024-2025 |
Chair | Weldon Phillips |
Vice-Chair | Mariaelena McCauley |
Secretary | Melissa Huebsch |
Parliamentarian | vacant |
Chair of Benefits | Ethan Moir |
Chair of Communication | Taylor Grobelny |
Chair of Engagement and Belonging | Taylor Love |
Chair of Health and Wellness | Michelle Osuna |
Chair of Issues and Research | Arna Erega |
Chair of Professional Development | Katye Howell |
Chair of Sustainability | Danielle Buckley |
Chair of Ad Hoc Committee on Archives and Records Management | Elista Street |
Chair of Ad Hoc Committee on Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures | vacant |
UT Austin's UT System Employee Advisory Council members (ex officio) | Ariel Brown and Dory Thompson |
Standing Committees
UT Staff Council Bylaws mandate the following Standing Committees. The Annual Report to the President details committee work over the course of the term.
Purpose: Support and advocate for initiatives and projects that result in a positive outcome for constituents related to the benefits afforded to them as university employees.
Purpose: Amplify Staff Council's work and opportunities for constituent engagement. Highlight messaging from campus partners via Staff Council's social media channels and its website.
Engagement and Belonging
Purpose: Connect employees from across the university to build relationships and to cultivate a strong sense of belonging.
Health and Wellness
Purpose: Support and advocate for initiatives and projects that increase staff access to, and awareness of, health and wellness programs and benefits.
Issues and Research
Purpose: Address issues submitted to Staff Council, researching and delegating issues as appropriate.
Professional Development
Purpose: Support and advocate for initiatives and projects related to professional development. The annual Professional Development Grant Program falls within the committee's purview.
Purpose: Support and advocate for initiatives and projects that support sustainability efforts benefiting the entire university community.
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc committees are appointed by the Executive Committee as the need arises.
Archives and Records Management
Purpose: Review and make recommendations about current archives and records management practices resulting in best practices for file management that serve the business needs of the organization and accurately documents the organization’s history and impact.
Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures
Purpose: Review and make recommendations for revisions to the Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures.
Upcoming Events
March 2025 Staff Council General Meeting
Meet at Caven Clark Field