June 2024 News from the Chair

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June 18, 2024

I am writing today with a few updates.

First, the ‘Return to On-Site Work’ message sent by President Hartzell to campus on June 12, 2024 has resulted in a deluge of issue submissions via the optionally anonymous UT Staff Council Issue Submission Form. Thank you for expressing your thoughts, questions, concerns, data, and suggested actions. We will be sharing your feedback with campus leaders, and it will help inform how UT Staff Council moves forward in advocating on behalf of staff. 

Second, over the 2023-2024 term, UT Staff Council Officers consistently expressed the value of Flexible Work Arrangements, hybrid, and remote work during conversations with campus leaders. Further, a group of UT Staff Council Representatives participated in focus groups in fall 2023. UT Staff Council Representatives who participated in the focus groups—including those whose positions required they work on-site full-time—have confirmed that all participants expressed their support of flexible work schedules that included accommodating remote work.

Third, UT Staff Council Vice-Chair Maria McCauley, UT Staff Council Program Coordinator Elizabeth Schaub, and I were informed 24 hours in advance that President Hartzell’s ‘Return to On-Site Work’ message was scheduled to be sent to campus. The message itself was not shared in advance.

Fourth, UT Staff Council Officers will be engaging with partners on campus who are developing an upcoming pulse survey, advocating for questions that will enable you to fully express your perspectives.

Finally, the UT Staff Council Executive Committee voted to cancel the June 20, 2024 General Meeting since the UT Staff Council Officers are not yet prepared to respond to the concerns UT Staff Council has received related to Flexible Work Arrangements. In addition, the meeting was scheduled to occur the day after Emancipation Day (Juneteenth), and we anticipated lower than usual attendance. UT Staff Council will be hosting Roger Cude, Vice President of People and Talent, during the UT Staff Council General Meeting on July 18, 2024. In advance of the meeting on July 18, we will be providing Roger with the feedback we’ve received related to ‘Return to On-Site Work.’ Please continue to submit your feedback using the optionally anonymous UT Staff Council Issue Submission Form.

I appreciate all that you contribute to our campus community and look forward to serving as UT Staff Council Chair this term.

~Weldon Phillips, UTSC Chair 2024-2025