I’m writing today with an exciting opportunity to be a part of UT’s Strategic Planning effort. You may remember that President Hartzell told us about this important initiative in an email earlier this year, where he said, “The idea here is to create a shared road map of opportunity for our campus community. In what areas can we lead, innovate and excel together during the next decade? What capacities do we need to develop in order to meet our new challenges? In short, how do we reach our potential and become one of the very best universities in the world?”
You now have the chance to share your thoughts on these questions with Robert Chesney, J.D., Dr. Lauren Ancel Meyers and Dr. Richard Flores, who are members of the Strategic Planning leadership team. They will be joining us on Wednesday, May 5th, from 2-3pm in a virtual Strategic Conversation especially for Staff Council and all staff members who wish to participate.
While the meeting will be recorded, I highly encourage you to attend in real time if your schedule allows so that you can actively participate in the discussion. It is vitally important for the collective wisdom of staff on this campus to inform the plan and help to ensure that it is practical and actionable. Please encourage your co-workers to attend as well.
If you cannot make the meeting but would still like to give input, you can also send feedback via the UT Strategic Plan Survey or the Staff Council Issues Form (both optionally anonymous).
Thank you in advance for being a part of this vital endeavor!
~Rainbow Di Benedetto, UTSC Chair 2020-2021 and representative for District 408 | she/her