I'm inviting you to our October general meeting, which will be happening Thursday, 10/15 from 2:00-3:30pm.
Our agenda includes:
- Land Acknowledgement Proposal – Dr. Circe Sturm, Professor, Department of Anthropology
- Budget Update – John McGeady, Budget Director, Budget Office
We’ll also have an update on Staff Council's work with Parking and Transportation Services.
Coming up in November's meeting, we look forward to hosting guest speaker Binta Brown, the new Director of Diversity and Talent Management for the Financial and Administrative Services portfolio. We will also have updates from some of our committees about what they’ve been working on.
If you missed the September meeting, the draft minutes can be found here and the recording and slides are available on the meeting page.
As always, please let us know if you have issues or concerns that you’d like us to address. You can send them to your representative(s), directly to me, or via our optionally anonymous Issues Form.
Be well, and I hope to see many of you at the meeting.
~Rainbow Di Benedetto, UTSC Chair 2020-2021 and representative for District 408 | she/her/hers