Doug Bolin, Director of Ceremonial and Reputational Events
Dr. Art Markman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Dr. LaToya Smith, Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement
In alignment with UTSC’s core value to create a sense of community by collaborating effectively with campus partners, meeting attendees are expected to communicate in a respectful manner with our invited guests.
I want to also take a few moments to mention some upcoming deadlines that may be of interest.
The deadline to apply for the John Treviño Jr. Holiday Assistance Program is November 16, 2022 at noon. The program, managed by the Hispanic Faculty Staff Association, provides assistance with holiday meals. The application is available via Qualtrics in both English and Spanish.
The deadline to apply for Orange Santa is Friday, November 18, 2022 at 5 p.m. Orange Santa is a holiday giving program for faculty, staff, and students. The application for Orange Santa is available via the Orange Santa homepage.
We are excited to announce that we will have an engagement opportunity for our PRC-based UT Staff Council constituents to engage with your area's UTSC representatives on Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at PRC Commons Café. While you’re at the Commons Café, be sure to enjoy the special Thanksgiving-themed meal. Special thanks go to Brian Winkelmann, Chair of UTSC’s Benefits Committee, for his efforts in organizing this opportunity.
I am also excited to announce that on Thursday, December 15, 2022 from 2-4 p.m. we will host a networking opportunity for UT Staff Council representatives and constituents to meet and interact at GRE Games Room. More information about this event is coming soon, but please mark your calendars and join us for this fun and exciting opportunity.
The December 15 networking event will happen at the same time we ordinarily have our UT Staff Council General Meeting in December. That meeting has been canceled and our next regularly scheduled UT Staff Council General Meeting will be on January 23, 2023.
Please feel free to reach out to any of the Staff Council officers if you ever have questions or concerns. You can also submit an issue for Staff Council to research via our “Submit an Issue” link at the top of the Staff Council webpage at Issues may be submitted anonymously.