March 22, 2022
- JOIN US - I am writing to invite you to Staff Council's virtual March General Meeting on Thursday, March 24 from 2-3:30. We will be hosting guest speakers and there will be dedicated time for Q&A.
- Jeff Stellmach, Senior Social Worker, Employee Assistance Program, will provide information related to the Staff Emergency Fund.
- Kouang Chan, Student Ombudsperson and Director, Office of the Student Ombuds, will convey information about the Ombuds Office and the services it provides to staff.
- Richard Costa, Project Manager, Construction Services, will be introducing the new University Resource Group: Military/Veterans Faculty and Staff Association.
- And from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Helen Wormington, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and—schedule permitting—Dr. LaToya Smith, Vice President for Diversity and Community Engagement, will present an update about the university's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan.
In alignment with UTSC’s core value to create a sense of community by collaborating effectively with campus partners, meeting attendees are expected to communicate in a respectful manner with our invited guests.
- DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION SPRING MIXER - Join UT Staff Council and the University Resource Groups (URGs) on Wednesday, April 6 from 3-4:30 IN PERSON to celebrate, foster engagement, and advocate for underrepresented groups on campus. We will make connections, explore ideas, and join in conversation with colleagues from across campus. Light refreshments will be served.
Dr. Brandon Jones will moderate a panel discussion and Question and Answer session with representatives from each of the URGs:
- Asian/Asian American Faculty and Staff Association
- Black Faculty Staff Association
- Hispanic Faculty Staff Association
- Pride and Equity Faculty Staff Association
- SUBMIT YOUR IDEAS - Please continue to submit your ideas about the university's Strategic Plan via the President's Office survey. As we heard from Dr. Richard Flores during the November 2021 UTSC General Meeting, staff input is welcome.
Please feel free to reach out to me or any of the officers if you ever have questions or concerns.
~Rhonda Cox, UTSC Chair 2020-2021 and representative for District 480