January 17, 2022
Wishing you a happy new year on the occasion of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
- JOIN US - I am writing to invite you to Staff Council's virtual January General Meeting on Thursday, January 20 from 2-3:30. We will be hosting guest panelists and there will be dedicated time for Q&A.
Dr. Amy Young will be discussing COVID.
Andrea Sheridan, Kathleen O'Neill, and Jenna Watts will be providing a legislative update.
- SUBMIT YOUR IDEAS - Please continue to submit your ideas about the university's Strategic Plan via the President's Office survey. As we heard from Dr. Richard Flores during the November 2021 UTSC General Meeting, staff input is welcome.
Please feel free to reach out to me or any of the officers if you ever have questions or concerns.
~Rhonda Cox, UTSC Chair 2020-2021 and representative for District 480