You are invited to our August general meeting this Thursday, August 20th, from 2:00-3:30. The agenda includes an introduction to the new Learning & Development unit from Emil Kresl and Frances Delacruz and results of the recent Staff Survey from Linda Dickens and Gina Magharious. If you are unable to attend the meeting in real time, you may also find the recording and materials after the fact on our website. Staff Council will continue to pursue answers to the questions posed during the meeting and in the lead-up to the meeting, in particular those that we were unable to address due to time constraints. We also hope that you will continue to share your concerns utilizing our Issues Process.
I hope to see many of you on Thursday! As always, if you have questions or concerns you would like us to address, you can send them to your representative(s), directly to me, or via our optionally anonymous Issues Form.
~Rainbow Di Benedetto, UTSC Chair 2020-2021 and representative for District 408 | she/her/hers