Please note: You will need to register for this meeting. You will be able to submit questions anonymously. Chat is not anonymous.
Featured speakers
Kelly Lomasney, Principal Human Resources Consultant
Amber Hunter-Crawford, Employee Assistance Program Manager
Emily Shryock, Director, Disability Cultural Center
In alignment with UTSC’s core value to create a sense of community by collaborating effectively with campus partners, meeting attendees are expected to communicate in a respectful manner with our invited guests and fellow meeting attendees.
News and Additional Opportunities
1) University Health Services Fall 2024 Flu Vaccination Clinics Our UHS colleagues are providing flu vaccination clinics at Gregory Gym, Tuesday, October 15-Thursday, October 17. For additional information and to schedule an appointment, visit the Fall 2024 Flu Vaccination Clinics' web page.
2) Disability Access and Belonging Month (October 2024) Our Disability Cultural Center colleagues are hosting and promoting a variety of disability-related opportunities in October, which is both National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and, Texas Persons with Disabilities History Awareness Month. For additional information, visit the Disability Access and Belonging Month web page.
3) Longhorn Halloween (Sunday, October 27, 2024) Our University Events and Experience colleagues have planned a fun-filled, family-friendly Longhorn Halloween, which has been a tradition for more than 20 years! For additional information, visit the Longhorn Halloween web page.
Please feel free to reach out to any of the Staff Council Officers if you ever have questions or concerns. You can also submit an issue for Staff Council to research via our 'Submit an Issue' link found at the top of every Staff Council web page at Issues may be submitted anonymously.