Invitation and News from the Chair: March 2025 UT Staff Council General Meeting
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March 17, 2025
Please join us at the March UT Staff Council General Meeting this Thursday, March 20, 2025 from 2-3:30 p.m. We are looking forward to meeting and engaging with Dr. Tony Hunt, Interim Associate Vice President of Human Resources. To learn more about Dr. Hunt, check out this Learning & Development Manager Spotlight. We will also hear from Nossé Ovienmhada, Work Life Balance and Wellness Manager, about opportunities for you to engage in wellness-related offerings.
Please note: You will need to register for this meeting. You will be able to submit questions anonymously. Chat is not anonymous.
Featured speakers
Dr. Tony Hunt, Interim Associate Vice President of Human Resources
Nossé Ovienmhada, Work Life Balance and Wellness Manager
In alignment with UTSC’s core value to create a sense of community by collaborating effectively with campus partners, meeting attendees are expected to communicate in a respectful manner with our invited guests and fellow meeting attendees.
2) Disabled/Neurodivergent Faculty & Staff Meet-Ups Our colleagues in the Disability Cultural Center host a monthly virtual meet-up on the last Tuesday of the month for UT faculty and staff who identify as disabled/neurodivergent/chronically ill/Deaf to come together for community-building and to discuss common experiences. The topic for the March 25 meet-up is Disability and Career. RSVP for the link.
3) Sustainability-related Events The UT Staff Council Sustainability Committee is excited to announce two opportunities the committee has been working on to facilitate engagement with the campus environment and each other. You can find information and the link to sign-up for the next Waller Creek Clean-up and optional social at Scholz Garten scheduled for April 4 from 3-4 p.m. on the Waller Creek Clean-Up event page. In partnership with the Office of Sustainability, the annual Staff Sustainability Lunch is scheduled for April 16. Additional details and the registration link are found on the Staff Sustainability Lunch event page.
4) Records and Information Management (RIM) Month Friendly reminder: As employees at a state institution, we are responsible for managing our records according to state law and University of Texas policy, and our colleagues in RIMS are here to help! Join RIMS colleagues in April for RIM Month 2025 featuring virtual and in-person sessions on learning RIM fundamentals, managing email and other electronic records, making use of metadata in SharePoint, and creating an inventory of your department’s records. For additional information, visit the RIM Month 2025 site.
Please feel free to reach out to any of the Staff Council Officers if you ever have questions or concerns. You can also submit an issue for Staff Council to research via our 'Submit an Issue' link found at the top of every Staff Council web page at Issues may be submitted anonymously.