I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves during these challenging and ever-changing days. These are definitely unprecedented times.
I just wanted to take a brief moment of your time to remind you that Staff Council is here and thinking of you. I hope that you are keeping up to date with the latest on UT's website. I strongly encourage you to dig deep on that website and read everything it has to offer, including following all of the links. For example, even if you're not a member of faculty, there is interesting and sometimes even useful information for all of us in the messaging specific to faculty (not to mention, for those who work closely with faculty, that they may seek your help in acting on something that they've received in that messaging). In other words, don't just depend on what shows up in your inbox, but rather seek out information that might be helpful - because it may exist somewhere. If there is nothing else that we have learned from working at UT, it's how to be resourceful!
On UT's COVID-19 website there is a link for submitting questions and feedback. Please use it if you have questions that aren't answered elsewhere (but first do your research to make sure the question isn't already addressed). If you feel you still aren't getting the information that you need, you can also please feel welcome to reach out to your Staff Council representative, to me at chair@utsc.utexas.edu, or via our optionally-anonymous Issues Form.
~Sandra Catlett, UTSC Chair 2019-2020 and representative for District 242 | she/her/hers