Experiencing Middle Eastern Music and Dance

Event Status
Butler School of Music Middle Eastern Ensemble - Bereket

UT Staff Council's Engagement and Belonging Committee is partnering with the Butler School of Music's Middle Eastern Ensemble "Bereket," to host a festive community building event.

Event Description
This event aims to introduce UT staff members to Middle Eastern music and dance through an open rehearsal and demonstration by the UT Middle Eastern Ensemble "Bereket," directed by Sonia Tamar Seeman. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate by playing instruments, singing, clapping, and dancing, learning culturally significant songs and rhythms. Refreshments will be provided during a break at 8:30 pm.

At the event, the committee will be collecting donations to support UT Outpost, the free on-campus food pantry and career closet for all currently enrolled students at UT Austin. Emergencies and financial hardships can affect students in and outside of class. UT Outpost supports students with healthy food and gently used professional clothing. Attendees are encouraged to bring the following shelf-stable items: canned beans, canned meat, canned fruit, pasta, or pancake mix.

Please register for the event using this link* - https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UTSCEngagementandBelongingCommitteeEvents@utexas.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/s/pQtNsZGWOEaNK5ScZw76pA2

*You will need to be logged in to your UT Microsoft 365 account (select the 'Office 365 Portal' option).
Log in using your email address ending in utexas.edu.

If you have an issue logging in with your @austin email address, log in with your [your_eid]@eid.utexas.edu address.

If you experience issues logging in, please email: tlc-training@austin.utexas.edu.

Date and Time
Jan. 30, 2025, 7 to 10 p.m.